segunda-feira, setembro 13, 2010

O Homem ao Mar escrito do outro lado do Atlântico

Curiosa esta análise deste nosso leitor.
Em especial porque a dose de propaganda a que está submetido até a ele impede de ver o papel de "picador" da chamada comunicação social que nada mais fez do que assustar e impedir um raciocínio límpido sobre o que realmente estava em causa: A Liberdade

"It seems that the lunacy surrounding the burning of the Koran is temporarily over. There are however two interesting aspects of this issue. The strongest argument used against the planned action was that endangered the troops (occupying several Muslim countries), not that it was wrong on a matter of principle. The other baffling facet of this case was how the press and some far right politicians gave a complete moron a world wide forum to spread his bigotry. Had this been a campaign from the left to burn Torahs or the New Testament to protest the Gaza invasion or Catholic pedophilia it would have never been reported. I can only conclude that despite statements to the contrary the spirit of the crusaders is alive and well in the US.

Se aquilo não é uma sociedade mediaticamente proto-fascista, o que é?

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